With Jutta Wohlrab

Learn from the best and prepare yourself for labour and birth

BUY - $247.00

Hello, my name is  Jutta Wohlrab and I have  been a midwife for over  30 years. I’ve helped bring over 2800 babies in to this world and there’s nothing I haven’t seen when it comes to pregnancy, labour and birth. I created the Happy Birthing Days online course so that you and other expectant mothers can learn how to give birth, how birth really works and what to do to make labour easier for you, your baby and your birth partner.

The Happy Birthing Days online course is made up of three modules, each designed to educate you enough so that you know what to do, when to do it and what decisions to make during your pregnancy, labour and birth.

Course Curriculum

The Happy Birthing Days online course is made up of three modules, each designed to educate you enough so that you know what to do, when to do it and what decisions to make during your pregnancy, labour and birth. The three modules in the Happy Birthing Days Course are…


Birth Theory

The Theory

There are many misconceptions about labour and birth and this module will show you the truth about both. We explain all the hormones you need (and donā€™t need) and how you can control them. We explain the physiology of labour and what you should pay attention to during and after the birth itself and much, much more.

Your Body

Your Body

As youā€™ve probably guessed this module is all about your body and is packed with great tips, tricks and exercises that are designed to get you in great shape so that you have an easier labour and birth. We show you the best positions and movements that you can do for you and your baby during pregnancy and labour.

Your Mind

Your Mind

Just as an athlete mentally prepares for a big competition, this module is designed to help you do the same for the birth of your baby. We cover the power of hypnosis, breathing and creating good feelings for you and your baby. This module is not mind over matter, but more matter and mind combined and is packed with great exercises that will help you during your pregnancy and labour.

To summarise, as an international midwife with years of experience, I’ve put all my best tips, tricks and advice into this online course. Having a baby is the most rewarding experience a woman can have. You owe it to yourself and your baby to educate yourself and those around you with the best birth and pregnancy advice, so that you can truly have the birth you want. With hours and hours of video tutorials all designed to help you this is the best gift you can give yourself and your baby.

I very much look forward to seeing you inside the online course.

With Love

Jutta Wohlrab

International Midwife and Midwifery Speaker

Learn How to Have The Birth You Want

Buy the Happy Birthing Days Online Course Today

Want a sneak peek of The HBD Online Course?

Here’s a small sample of 3 of the 60+ video tutorials 


Oh yes, one more thing. You also gain access to...

The Elements Of Birth Community

We have an active, private community of mothers all going through the same experience as you. When you buy the Happy Birthing Days online course today you will have access to this private group where you can choose to watch or participate in the various discussions.

Our community is great and is full of useful resources, guidance and advice from fellow mothers and birth professionals.

What Course Participants Say...



"After watching the Happy Birthing Days online course and doing the exercises I felt so confident going into labour that my midwife remarked that I was the most relaxed mother she had ever met on the labour ward!! Thank you Jutta for creating this online course you have no idea how helpful it was to me."

Manchester UK

What's Included

Over 5 hours of pregnancy and birth video lessons

Access to The Elements of Birth Community

For peace of mind, we also include our…


We stand by our online course so much that we offer a No Risk 30 Day Guarantee. If for whatever reason you aren’t satisfied with the Happy Birthing Days course then we will refund you the purchase price within the first 30 days of purchase.

So, with nothing to lose and everything to gain, I look forward to seeing you on the course.

Learn How to Have The Birth You Want

Buy the Happy Birthing Days Online Course Today


50% Complete

Two Step

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