Happy Hypnobirthing Bootcamp
🌟 prepares you mentally & emotionally
🌟 with practical techniques to feel empowered & calm for a positive birth experience.
🌟 You'll learn how to disconnect from unwanted fears, negative thoughts, while
🌟 trusting your natural birthing abilities and
🌟preparing your mind & body for a calm and confident birthing experience.
The Hypnobirthing Bootcamp is LIVE 4 Week Course - starting on March 4th
Don't miss this chance to become more empowered and calm about giving birth than you ever thought possible!!

Would you like to
let go of unwanted birth fears?
If you feel like no matter how hard you try not to think worrying thoughts about giving birth, you're not alone.
Despite modern healthcare advances, studies show most women fear giving birth.
I am here to prepare you mentally and emotionally for a happy birthing experience.

Would you like to feel calm & confident about giving birth?
If you feel like no matter how hard you try not to think worrying thoughts about giving birth, you're not alone.
With live interactive Hypnobirthing coaching sessions and a video library for self-study and audio meditations, you'll learn how to disconnect from the unwanted negative thoughts and fears and connect with your natural birthing abilities.
Because you can do this!

Would you like
practical daily tools & expert step-by-step guidance?
Imagine if you were going to do a Triathlon - you would not just turn up on the day and hope for the best. You build your skills and endurance through practice, day by day, week by week, month by month.
This program will help you prepare, week by week, so that you build birth confidence, feel more in control and ease about the big day.
Plus, removing the confusion, worries and fears will allow you to enjoy each day of your pregnancy more and more!

Emma, USA, 1st pregnancy
"Dear Jutta,
I was one of the participants in your July hypnobirthing course, tuning in from New York. I'd like to express my thanks and gratitude for everything I learned in those classes.I now know my waters broke early on the Tuesday morning prior, on the very day I had planned to join one of your yoga classes....
Miraculously, especially for the US, I was able to have the unmedicated birth I wished for and I know it was partially due to everything I learned during your classes. I also had an extraordinary midwife who understood my vision and a hospital which supports the midwifery model. Through the meditations, in particular the anchor exercise and the endorphin massage, I was able to get through the 'waves' at home in a relaxed environment. At the hospital during the birth and pushing, I was able to go deep into myself and really focus.
When I arrived at the hospital on Thursday evening, the midwife told me I was already 9cm dilated. Everyone was astounded and I had Sebastian at 2am on Friday morning. It was the most beautiful experience I could ever have imagined. The midwife asked one of the OB doctors, who had never witnessed an unmedicated birth before, to observe it, and she couldn't believe her eyes.…
I felt very prepared as my husband and I had been practising the exercises I learned in your classes together, and we knew what to do. I also found the birth breathing exercise very helpful throughout my pregnancy, especially during periods when I was having trouble sleeping. My husband even uses it too on himself. Thank you for your support, positive energy, and for being such an inspiration!"
🥳It's time to believe that your birth can calm, comfortable and empowered!
✅ Tools and strategies to prepare for a positive birth and the birth that is right for you
✅ Expect a less painful birth
You can work with your body to minimise pain effectively and prepare for more comfort and ease for you and your baby.
✅ Release worries about the unknown, length of labour and unwanted intervention
✅ Enjoy your pregnancy more with a strengthened feeling of control, calmness and confidence.
✅ Strengthen your bond with your birthing partner as you both prepare for the birth you want together
✅ Learn how to tap into and amplify the hormones to help you relax, reduce pain and increase happiness (it's like becoming the conductor of your own orchestra!!)
✅ Immerse yourself in deep relaxation
✅ Reduce your chances of medical intervention
✅ Build blissful bond with your baby, birth and pregnant body
✅ Your baby can experience a positive start to life. When you feel relaxed and positive about your upcoming birth, your baby will be too.
✅ Focus on your goal (ideal birth for you)
✅ Trust yourself that you can have the birth you want - it can be a happy, joyful experience you cherish forever!
Live on Zoom Starts March 4th
Happy Hypnobirthing Bootcamp
€182 x 3
3 Monthly Payments
YES, I want a calm confident birth (with 3 month payment plan)
Hannah, USA, 2nd pregnancy
"Dearest Jutta, I wanted to thank you once again for a wonderful Hypnobirthing course. After my first birth which was not a pleasant experience, I managed to have the most wonderful, pain free birth instead. It was an event that changed me completely has a person."

Kira, USA, 1st pregnancy
"I must say thanks to you, Jutta - you are the best coach, hypnotherapist, educator I could have ever asked for. You are exactly what every mother-to-be needs!! I without a doubt would recommend Jutta to every mother to be. Thank you, Jutta, for being so amazing!"

Fatemeh, Berlin, 1st pregnancy
"I just wanted to thank you for all you have done for us in hypno birth, yoga classes and private sessions. They all helped me to manage the pain and anxiety during pregnancy. With your help, my view towards giving birth changed dramatically. The fear and anxiety, turned itself to joy of expectation and harmony in heart and mind.
I learnt how to do not have a fixed mindset about the birth, and adopt to whatever this beautiful journey brings to me. First I was afraid of natural birth, then I found it miraculous with your help, and at the end when the C-section was planned, I managed to deal with this change well.
I didn't expect the C- section to be that beautiful. All those lights that I expected to annoy me, brought me joy, like a sunshine in the early morning in the mountains, all those hectic acts of doctors and nurses, became like angles moving and singing, and all my fears and anxieties were sucked out of the book of my mind, with the simple practice that you thought us.
The anchor worked well for Chris and I. I didn't need to do anything extra in operation room. My mind was by itself in the heavens. I can still talk and talk about that marvellous experience, but I won't take your time. I am looking forward to see you again in your postnatal classes."
🤫BUT... are you (secretly) thinking about all the things that could go wrong at your birth?
Do you find yourself thinking...
“I'm so scared of the pain!"
"I don't think I can do it!! What if I can't do it!!?"
“I worry about how long the labor will last...”
“My last birth was really hard & traumatic, I hate thinking about it or talking about it!”

🤫Let me tell you a secret about LABOUR PAIN...
FEAR causes 3 physical reactions in your🤰🏽body:
#1 tightening of the muscles
#2 reduced blood flow to the birthing muscles
#3 release of stress hormone (cortisol)
This means that FEAR can create
🤔What if you started KNOWING exactly how to transform fear into confidence?

😍What if INSTEAD of wasting more time lost in birth anxiety & labor fears...

Happy Hypnobirthing Bootcamp teaches you how to
🌟 turn fears, worries & self-doubt into confidence
🌟 expect, visualise and feel the birth you want
🌟 prevent uneccessary medical intervention
🌟 feel good because you trust your birthing abilities
🌟 bring your baby into the world feeling more joy, control & calm confidence knowing...
🥺Even if you have had a previous traumatic birth, and especially if you keep expecting a negative birth experience...
Happy Hypnobirthing Bootcamp gives you the practical tools and expert step-by-step guidance to
🥰 turn worries into know-how
🥰 change fears into calm, confidence.
🌟 relax with greater ease from now until you give birth
🌟 enjoy a positive mindset about every aspect of giving birth
🌟 trust in your innate birthing abilities
🌟 form a strong partnership with your partner, body, and baby
🌟 get a clear picture of your vision of a positive birth experience
⭐️ when contractions start, know how to relax and to focus on you
⭐️ prepare with your partner so you both know what to do on the big day together

Meta, Spain; 1st pregnancy,
"Before attending Jutta's Happy hypno birthing classes, I was afraid of the day of giving birth as everyone was saying that it's very painful and exhausting. Jutta's many years of experience and all her knowledge and kindness has calmed me down and prepared me for the day of birth. Now I am excited for the day to come and I know that it can be a nice experience. I really recommend her classes and her book. It's all full of very practical advice and will make you calmer."
🤩 Start to believe that birthing your baby can happen with ease and joy.

✅ 4 x Live Hypnobirthing Classes
(2.5 hours on March 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th)
✅ Recording of the session is available if you cannot attend live
✅ Self Study Video Library: HAPPY BIRTHING MIND
(2 hours of specific 10 minute video tutorials)
✅ Birth Confidence Audio Guided Meditations
(Guided Listening for mums-to-be & dads-to-be)
✅✅ Your birthing partner can join for free!
PLUS!! Happy Birthing Mind ~ The Online Self-Learning Course

Over 2 hours of techniques in short videos:

Fear of Giving Birth
Why most women are fearful about the upcoming birth and how to overcome your fears.

Creating Happiness
The key to creating and maintaining a peaceful, happy and more calm mindset.

Hormones ABC
How to use your pregnancy hormones to your advantage... yes! your body is amazing!!

Conquer Your Doubts & Fears
Exercises based on NLP (neuro-linguistic programming).

Happy Thoughts Diary (PDF included)
Make happiness a habit. “Just think happy thoughts and you'll fly!” (Peter Pan)

Positive Power Postures & Poses
Simple body poses that give you instant power.

Hypnotherapy Technique
How to practice deep relaxation so you can access this state when giving birth.

A Joyful Connection to Yourself & Your Baby
A guided relaxing exercise (it's amazing the difference this one can make!)
...& more!! This is the expertise of a Midwife (39 years) & NLP Trainer and Hypnotherapist (16 years) at your finger tips!
🤩 Removing fears and confusion will allow you to enjoy each day of your pregnancy more and more!
✅ Teaches you how a positive birth is possible.
You will learn how to work with your body AND how to get your mind to work with your body too.
✅ Guides you to paint the picture of your ideal birth; the birth that is right for you.
It makes a huge difference to have the container and support to remove yourself from the media, friends and other people's birth experiences to focus on the birth that you (and your partner) want to create, that is right for you and your baby.
✅ Enjoy birthing together - Bond through empowerment and support
You and your birth partner can strengthen your bond as you prepare and feel confident together. Knowing what you can do, you will feel more in control through every stage of your birth, and keep the decision making process 'in your own hands'.
✅ Develop tools for life
My students always tell me that the techniques they learn can be applied beyond birth and labour - they use them to reduce stress and increase calmness and relaxation with their newborns and toddlers, work situations and day-to-day life.
✅ Self Empowerment
It's most important for me to empower you to know you can do this! The insights, tools and strategies will help you to strengthen your self-confidence and trust in yourself, trust in your intuition, trust in your body and feel ready for your birth and beyond!
Imagine if you could BE IN CONTROL...
you know your options and you can intuitively make the right decisions for you during childbirth?
Imagine if you feel CALM, CONFIDENCE...
you are armed with techniques and practices for a gentler, more comfortable birth?
Imagine if are 100% EMPOWERED...
meet weekly with a Childbirth Expert to answer your questions, feel connected to other mums-to-be and bring your partner if you want?

Maija, Berlin; 1st pregnancy
"Me and my husband both participated Happy Birthing Days (birth preparation weekend course) as well as Hypno birthing course, and we are both feeling so lucky that we found these courses and Jutta! Birth preparation course was packed with knowledge and I loved how Jutta shared stories from her experience as a midwife, it was so inspiring to hear! We also had a lot of practical exercises for breathing and massage for example, so it certainly didn't get boring (even though we had the course online because of corona).
The Hypno Birthing course just took our birth preparation to another level!
I knew nothing about hypnosis and the method itself, but I loved all the modules and learned so much! I felt that I gained so much more confidence and positive curiosity towards birth, which I didn't have before. Both of courses were excellent when it comes to getting information and learning, you can really tell that Jutta has a massive amount of experience! It was also great, that she was presenting different options for birth in a very equal way and emphasized individual experience. But in the end what really made the courses special was Jutta herself, what a woman so full of passion and positive energy! Jutta's perspective on birth made both of us fully realize how we are going through something very special in our lives at the moment and how exciting the whole journey is! Thank you Jutta!"
Happy Hypnobirthing Bootcamp
starts on March 4th
Each class is live on zoom, 2.5 hours on Tuesdays March 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th
Class time (same time every Tuesday):
EST (New York): 9am - 11.30 am
PST (California): 12pm - 2.30pm
GMT (London): 5pm - 7.30pm
CEST (Berlin): 6pm - 8.30pm
Week 1: Goodbye Fears
Let go of unwanted worries, doubts and fears ~ learn about neurobiology and how to turn unwanted worries, doubts and fears into positive expectations of birth, confidence and trust in yourself.
Week 2: Minimise Pain, Maximise Comfort
How to anchor positive feelings and get my proven method to minimise pain during your labour of love.
Week 3: Partnership Bliss
All about partnership! Partnership with your body, your baby, your birth and your birthing partner - how to form a strong birthing team. It's about what babies learn inside the womb and we develop "your personal state of bliss" that you use during labour.
Week 4: My Empowered Birth
Achieving your goal: How to paint the picture ( a well-formed goal for your birth) and mentally rehearse the birth you want to have so you feel empowered and positively motivated from now until your labour of love.
Each week the class includes practical and proven techniques:
✅ a breathing technique
✅ a relaxation quickie
✅ a guided visualisation
✅ practice the techniques LIVE with Jutta
✅ get your questions/concerns answered by Jutta
✅ recording available if you miss the class
✅ ✅ Plus, get the accountability and support to practice the techniques each week ~ you have 4 weeks to form new habits and ask Jutta questions specific to your birthing journey.
Hi, I'm Jutta.
Hi! I'm Jutta, International Midwife for 38 years and Hypnotherapist for 15 years. I have welcomed over 3,000 babies & consulted over 10,000 women from all over the world. Alongside my professional midwife career, I have been a Hypnotherapist and NLP Trainer for 15 years. Let me assure you: you are in safe, expert hands.
Early in my Midwife career I began observing why some women had a happy, relatively pain-free birth and some had an incredibly painful and even, complicated birth.
I found that Childbirth Education was not offering an integrated, modern approach to using a woman's brain, body and hormones to her birthing advantage.
A "Happy Birthing Mind" really is the secret sauce to reducing pain, releasing fears and feeling a calm, confidence about giving birth.
Over 20 years ago, I became a Trainer of Hypnobirthing and Neuro-Linguistic Programming - so I combine breathing, guided visualisations, self-hypnosis along with my 39 years as a Midwife.
Another central part of my work is to involve birthing partners, creating positive birth prep habits together and forming a strong birthing team for the big day.
Plus, I am an international speaker on topics of “Positive Birth Psychology” and “Out of Trauma into Happiness" and I teach my method to birth professionals at specific birth-related conferences all over the world.
I am here to prepare you step by step for a joyful, safe and happy birth!

Tiffany, USA, 2nd pregnancy
"We were so happy to have a good experience after last time. I just wanted to say thank you to you for helping me to deal with the anxiety and fear I felt at the end of my pregnancy. I watched your whole course and practiced my favorite breathing and visualization exercises each day.
I really liked how there were many practical, easy-to-use tools so that I could try out different things, then repeat the ones that resonated the most with me.These definitely helped me deal with the fear and worry beforehand and although I was still nervous in the time leading up, once I got to the hospital I was actually relaxed and ready. I think that really helped things go smoothly! I also really appreciated your positive, judgement-free and empowering tone throughout the videos - the message to trust myself was an important one for me too!!
🥺Even if you have had a previous traumatic birth, and especially if you keep expecting a negative birth experience...

This course is for YOU if you worry about the length and fear the pain of giving birth and/or you've had a previous traumatic birth.

Christy, USA, first pregnancy
"I can bluntly say I took the course ‘happy birthing mind’. The course was amazing, I felt much safer and more excited afterwards. I felt I suddenly had the resources that I could use to not only prepare for birth but help me relax and be more happy. I wasn’t sure I could feel empowered for birth and now I definitely am. I don’t fear the pain anymore - it’s amazing. I recommend this course for anyone who wants to feel good and not scared about birth and who wants to know real information from a well qualified, really nice person."
You are reading this today for a reason.
You want to feel confident about going into labour, and you want to give birth in less time with less pain
BUT you don't know how to do it on your own.
When you have this online course, you can stop:
- Wasting time googling and watching conflicting Youtube videos
- Reading all the books you can get hands on
- Losing sleepless nights
- Listening to horror birth stories
- Replaying negative birth scenarios in your head
- Creating more tension in your body from fears and stress

🥰Would you like to
⭐️ let go of unwanted worries, doubts and fears?
⭐️ sleep better and feel more ease and peace during pregnancy?
⭐️ know how to relax and to focus on the birth you want during contractions and labour?
⭐️ prepare and bond with your partner so you both know what to do on the big day together?
Fantastic! If you want to feel confident and positively motivated for your labour of love - then, this is the course for you!
Live on Zoom Starts March 4th
Live Hypnobirthing Coaching Sessions are on zoom for 2.5 hours on Tuesdays March 4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th
Happy Hypnobirthing Bootcamp
€149 x 3
3 Monthly Payments
YES, I want a calm confident birth (with 3 month payment plan)